Category: Security strategy

Network Security, Security News, Security strategy, Threat intelligence

Threat intel is a game changer, if only firms can figure out how to bake it into cyber programs

Despite increased perceptions about the value of cyber threat intelligence, many businesses and industries still struggle to define what it actually means to them: which capabilities to incorporate, and how to do the ground level planning necessary to support the telemetry and technological tools they put in place.

Despite increased perceptions about the value of cyber threat intelligence, many businesses and industries still struggle to define what it actually means to them: which capabilities to incorporate, and how to do the ground level planning necessary to support the telemetry and technological tools they put in place.

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Email Security, Featured, Phishing, Security News, Security strategy, Year in Review

2021 strategy predictions: Shifts in business models, shifts in security priorities

As companies of all sizes prepare for more challenges tied to the pandemic, as well…