Category: Mobile

Mobile, Mobile Security, Security News, Vulnerability Management

Apple Patches Three New iOS Zero-Days

Apple on Wednesday reported that it had recently patched three new zero-day iOS vulnerabilities exploited in the…

Application Security, Manufacturing, Mobile, Security News

70% of apps for the manufacturing sector spent all of 2020 with at least one security flaw

According to WhiteHat Security, 70 percent of individual web, mobile and API-based apps that support…

Mobile, Mobile Security, Network Security, Security News, Threat intelligence

Google: Attacker ‘likely’ had access to Android zero-day vulnerabilities

Google’s Project Zero on Tuesday introduced a six-part series that offers an analysis of four…

Breach, Data Breach, Mobile, Mobile Security, Phishing, Security News

Fourth breach at T-Mobile puts focus on security of post mergers

T-Mobile reported a breach that compromised customer data – the company’s fourth in three years…